The thicker your stool, the less likely you are to have leakage. Do not take any extra fluid with Metamucil, despite the directions on the bottle. Metamucil and other 'bulk' laxatives act by absorbing excess fluid in the stool. The following information and recommendations will help you make those adjustments: MedicationsĪfter you are discharged from the hospital, you will take Imodiumor Lomotil or a fiber supplement such as Metamucil, to control your number of bowel movements.
Your body will need some time to adjust to having a J-pouch. After having an ileoanal reservoir procedure for the treatment of ulcerative colitis or familial polyposis, you will have a reservoir or 'J-pouch.' A J-pouch is made from the end of the small bowel and attached to the anal canal to form a pathway for the passage of stool.